Medevac Support from Haldis SolutionsHaldis Solutions Ltd. is a specialised Shetland based company which can provide staff and logistical support to clients and personnel working in or positioning to the East Shetland basin or West of Shetland areas. Our response on mobilisation is within 1 hour throughout the Shetland mainland. We pride ourselves on being flexible and diverse. We constantly take into account the business and welfare interests of clients and their personnel. Our service is available to clients on a 24/7 basis. Our service is normally accessed by a retained arrangement with tailoring of response or service as per clients’ unique requirements.

Amongst the range of services Haldis Solutions Ltd can provide are:

Medevac support

  • Meet evacuees at airport or hospital
  • Ascertain and meet as far as possible an evacuees’ needs (non-medical)
  • Provide support and friendship to evacuees
  • Undertake regular visits to those confined in hospital
  • Liaising with clients and relatives
  • Furnish clients with updates

Accommodation acquisition

  • Identification and acquisition of accommodation for personnel - individuals or groups arising from medevacs, downmannings and the like
  • Acquire accommodation for relatives attending evacuees confined in hospital or evacuees on release from hospital pending repatriation
  • A variety of accommodation styles can be accessed depending on requirements

Repatriation of personnel and equipment

  • Assist and liaise with transport operators, air and sea, for evacuee or relatives’ repatriation
  • Provision of escort to evacuees and evacuees relatives as necessary
  • Assist in identification, recovery and repatriation of equipment attributable to installations or clients

Reception on downmannings or ERP activations

  • Meet downmanned personnel
  • Advise personnel of clients instructions and deployment
  • Provide clients with situational updates and additional information as per their requirements

Other Services

Given our extensive experience and local knowledge we are in a unique position to furnish clients with information about the isles and facilities therein. We are experienced in identifying stakeholders and interested parties in regard to both offshore and onshore developments. We can liaise with stakeholders on an ongoing basis from conception to completion of projects and become a conduit for communication between clients and communities as necessary. We have experience of many taskings and  disciplines and welcome opportunities to broaden that range even further.

As standard, on conclusion of any mobilisation Haldis Solutions Ltd. furnishes clients with a log of actions undertaken along with comments relevant for consideration at subsequent incident debriefings.